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Makeen Advisors supports clients strengthen their abilities and capabilities by offering staffing, recruiting, and learning services through top strategy and independent talent who have proven experience at leading management consulting firms and blue-chip organizations.

Having worked together while at McKinsey & Company, Dr. Annas Abedin and Ziad Soufan later co-founded Makeen in 2018.

After a career in management consulting, Dr. Annas and Ziad saw the need for a more flexible model when it comes to consulting. This was the start of Makeen’s Staffing Services, where Makeen provides organizations with efficient, flexible, and cost-effective ways to access top management consulting and industry/function expert talent.

Over the years, Makeen has grown and so has its offering. In addition to the Staffing Services, Makeen now also offers Recruiting Services, where we place top talent in Strategy and Transformation roles, and Learning Services, where we upskill our clients’ teams with soft skills that are critical to success in today’s workplace.